Geothermal provided 20% of electricity in NZ in 2013
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has published the "Energy in New Zealand 2014" report that contains a wide range of energy-related information based on new and consolidated statistics.
In a recent report released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment of New Zealand under the name of Energy in New Zealand 2014, providing a detailed view of the energy market and its composition in the country.
Energy in New Zealand 2014 details the supply, transformation and use of all types of fuel in New Zealand. It also contains information on energy prices, international comparisons and oil and gas reserves.
New Zealand’s use of energy relative to GDP or “energy intensity” is continuing to improve. In real terms, energy intensity was 1.8 percent lower in 2013 than in 2012. This continues an average downward trend in New Zealand’s overall energy intensity of 1.4 percent per year since 1990.
The share of electricity generated from renewables increased to 75.1 percent, up from 72.8 percent in 2012. The main factors driving this growth were an increase in geothermal electricity generation capacity (commissioning of Ngatamariki), and the retirement of a second 250 MW coal-fired generation unit at Huntly during the year.
To access the full “Energy in New Zealand 2014” report, please follow this link: REPORT
Source: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment of New Zealand Website