
2015 ThinkGeoEnergy Social Media Survey

Alexander Richter 11 Ağu 2015

As you know, we are very active on social media, but we want to know what's your take? Please complete the following short survey to help us provide a better service. Thanks!

Dear readers,

As you know, we have been doing changes to the website and increased our efforts in our coverage in Social Media. This has translated into large growth both in readership and in the frequency and interaction with you, the reader.

From our end, this is all good and dandy, however, we want to know what is your take on our particular strategy so far.

As the leading news outlet for the geothermal energy industry, we want to know if you are satisfied with our efforts and what do you believe needs improving.

In order to do so, we have created a “short and sweet” survey for you to do. It shouldn’t take more that 2 minutes to fill.

Please help us out and we look forward to hearing about our efforts!

Thank you!