4th application round launched for East Africa Risk Mitigation Facility launched
The African Union launches the fourth round of applications for the East Africa Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) with a deadline for submission of expression of interest on August 12, 2016.
Announced already a couple days ago, the 4th Application Round of the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) was officially launched during the AUC East Africa Donors’ Coordination meeting held at the African Union HQ in Addis Ababa.
In a session before the launch, the Interim GRMF project manager Rashid Ali Abdallah provided and overview on the GRMF to date. During the launching event that took place from on 14 June 2016 the following presentations were held, aiming at providing an update on the GRMF Expression of Interest, on the general GRMF procedures, as well as on aspects of procurement and special considerations regarding Environmental and Social Impact assessment:
- Presentation on application procedure by GRMF Technical Consultant: 4th-ar_overview_of_the_grmf-application-procedure.pdf
- Presentation on Bidding Procedures by AUC procurement (still to be uploaded)
- Presentation on Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) by KfW (still to be uploaded)
During the launching event it was announced that the deadline for submission of Expression of Interest for AR 4 is on 12 August 2016 (16:00 Ethiopian time).
Entities interested to access relevant documents and application forms will find these uploaded in the coming days on the following section of the GRMF webpage: http://www.grmf-eastafrica.org/application/prequalification-stage
Source: GRMF