
Event: 6th European Geothermal PhD Day February 25-27 in the Netherlands

5th EGPD 2014 Darmstadt, Germany (Source: Courtesy of TU Delft)
Alexander Richter 25 Kas 2014

The European Geothermal PhD Day will take place from February 25th to February 27th in Delft, The Netherlands. Registration and participation is free.

The EGPD has now become a tradition for geothermal scientists! After Potsdam, Reykjavik, Pisa,Szeged and Darmstad the 2015 EGPD will be held in Delft, The Netherlands

The event will be hosted by the Technical University Delft, Department of Geoscience and Engineering and the group of Applied Geology. It will take place on February 25th to February 27th.

Goal of the EGPD 2015

The goal of the conference is to bring together people working on geothermal energy.  By presenting their work participants are able to receive constructive feedback and revisit their work from a different perspective. Both aspects should prove helpful in preparing a full article for a peer-reviewed submission. Furthermore, attendees are also able to explore possible collaboration for their future academic or non-academic career in geothermal energy.

All PhD students working in the field of geothermal Energy are invited to join!

There is an increasing interest on geothermal energy on a global scale. The EGPD is becoming a tradition in the field with a track record of 5 successful events. The topics cover a broad range of disciplines not only limited to geosciences, engineering or chemistry, but also reaching to business, law or social studies. The scale of the projects ranges from whole continents,  nations and regions to specific geothermal fields, reservoirs or even micro-structures.

No registration cost! Registration and participation is free, while costs might apply to the field trip depending on number of participants and group size. If necessay, travel grants can be arranged. Please contact the organisation for the possibilities.

Pre-event: DAP symposium

Preceding the EGPD, on the 25th, the DAP-symposium is organized in the aula of the Technical University of Delft. This is a symposium with presentations on Dutch and European geothermal development. All participants of the EGPD are very welcome to attend the symposium (more detailed information on the symposium will follow).

No registration cost! Registration and participation is free, whilecosts might apply to the field trip depending on number of participants and group size

Participants are invited to give both an oral, as well as a poster presentation.

Presentation length will be decided on a later stage based on number of participants. Poster size should be A0.

Deadline for applying is January 15th, 2015

Preliminary program

  • Wednesday , February 25th : Ice breaker party
  • Thursday, February 26th : Conference day (presentation and poster sessions)
  • Friday February 27th : Field trip

A more detailed program will follow. Check this page for updates and new information.

Practical matters


TU Delft AULA: Map and how to get there

Tools for NL

9292 Plan every journey within the Netherlands including all means of public transport

NS All trains within the Netherlands and abroad

Cost estimation for attending

The conference is free of charge, meaning there is no registration cost required. Furthermore, the icebreaker party and the dinner after the conference are offered for free to the participants. On the field trip day, participants are asked to make arrangements for their own lunch.

Accommodation, commute and poster expenses must be covered by the participants themselves.

Source: TU Delft