
7th International Geothermal Conference, Freiburg/ Germany, May 10-12, 2011

Freiburg im Breisgau/ Germany (source: flickr/ geoterranaute, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 6 Mar 2011

The 7th International Geothermal Conference is taking place May 1-12, 2011 in Freiburg/ Germany and the organizers just posted the final program for the event online.

In a release by the organizers, the “7th International Geothermal Conference” announces the final program for the conference.

The challenges of EGS projects, factors of success for the development of geothermal projects and the basic principles of successful public relations are just some highlights of this year’s international specialists event.

The three-day event is taken place from May 10th to 12th 2011 in Freiburg / Germany and provides a wide insight into several aspects of the geothermal energy technology. Early bird special is available until March 11th.

The first day of the IGC focuses on so-called EGS (“Enhanced Geothermal Systems”) projects – a technology that does not require natural convective hydrothermal resources. Among others professor Ernst Huenges of the Geo Research Center in Potsdam and professor Eva Schill of Neuchâtel University are speaking about the importance of EGS projects for the future energy supply. Furthermore several workshops are offered at the first day, such as one about the worldwide experiences with deep geothermal energy. The participants also have the chance to get to know the geothermal information system (GeotIS) of the Leibnitz Institute of Applied Geophysics. Other practical workshops are held about the basics of public relations for geothermal projects or the present developments in the pump technology area.

The congress day at May 11th starts with a key note of the chief representative for technical purposes of EnBW Energy Baden-Wuerttemberg, Dr. Hans-Josef- Zimmer. From the perspective of an energy provider he is reporting about the importance of geothermal energy for the energy mix of the future. The following four forums with panel discussions cover the topics financing, seismicity, project development and improvement in efficiency of geothermal power plants.

Traditionally one main focus in Freiburg is financing. Florian Fritsch, managing director of Froeschl Geothermie, will present an interesting approach about that issue: “With our concept of registered bonds we also allow individuals to participate in the benefit possibilities of geothermal power plants and offer the chance to contribute to a regional and decentralized energy supply.” Current research findings and consequences for geothermal energy are discussed in the forum seismicity, for example with experts like Dr. Christian Bönnemann of the Federal Agency of Geosciences and professor Thomas Kohl of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The forum “success factors of project development” provides discussion opportunties with leading representatives of authorizing boards from the German Federal Lands Bayern, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz. Also part of the IGC 2011 are debates concerning the current status of the amendment of the German renewable energy law (EEG).

Field trips to the geothermal power plants in Riehen (Switzerland) and Soultz-sous-forêts (France) provide first-hand experiences. Thanks to its international focus, simultaneous German-English translation and special offers like the Opening Lounge at the first evening (May 10th) and the Business Dinner (May 11th) the International Geothermal Conference is a great networking possibility. During the Business Dinner Fredy Brunner, councilor of the city of St. Gallen, is reporting about the history, development and public acceptance of the flagship geothermal project in the Swiss city.

The IGC is organized by the agency Enerchange. The economic development and marketing company of Freiburg, the Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co.KG (FWTM) is co-organiser. Patron of the conference is the Federal Environmental Ministry; the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGA) is the supporting organisation. Among others the German Energy Agency (dena), the International Geothermal Association (IGA), the Wirtschaftsforum Geothermie, the Swiss Geothermal Association and the GtV-Bundesverband Geothermie are co-operation partners of the IGC 2011.

Registration fees: Benefit from our early bird special (10% reduction) by registering before March 11th, 2011! For further information on registration, fees, conference programme and the target audience, please visit www.geothermiekonferenz.de.