
Green light for the first geothermal project in Honduras

Copan - Luna Jaguar Hotsprings & Spa, Honduras (source: flicr/ Adalberto.H.Vega, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 11 Nis 2012

Honduras open the doors to reduce the volatility in energy prices and generation costs

After three years of paralysis, the geothermal project of La Union (with other renewable projects) has been approved by the Honduras congress, authorizing a private company to generate geothermal energy in Copan. The deputy Toribio Aguilera said “We have decided to release these projects to give a clear message, change our energy matrix based on thermal stations towards a new one where the renewable energy play a bigger role”

The draft law ruled by the CNE (national commission of energy) consists “contracting of national waters exploitation to geothermal power generation in Platanares station” signed by SERNA (department of natural resources and environment). SERNA grants to the corresponding company, the exploitation of the geothermal resources for electricity production through binary cycle.

In Central America, Honduras has the second lowest potential energy from geothermal resources with an estimation of 125.3 MW and Platanares Geothermal plant will have an installed capacity of 35 MW. The chart shows the currently capacity installed by source.

Chart Source: ENEE (National Electric Power Company)

The annual production estimated of this project is 297.4 GWh, so if we take a closer look to the energy produced in 2011 we can see that Platanares will be equivalent to the same electricity generated by Biomass and Wind (290.9 GWh) providing the 4% of the total .

Chart Source: ENEE (National Electric Power Company)

Under the Decree 70-2007  the PPA terms are 20 year contract length – renewable energy projects under 50 MW- and the obligation to sign with ENEE (National Electric Power Company) as sole electricity buyer.


La Prensa

Energías Renovables Honduras

Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica


Written by A.Ormad