
Germany opens public access to online Geothermal Information System

GeotIS database, snapshot of installation page (source: geotis.de)
Alexander Richter 15 Haz 2012

GeotIS, the Geothermal Information System http://www.geotis.de, provides information about the geothermal potential of Germany and geothermal installations using deep geothermal energy.

Reported yesterday, Germany opens GeotIS, the Geothermal Information System www.geotis.de in an English version to the public.

The system provides information about the geothermal potential of Germany and geothermal installations using deep geothermal energy. From now on, an English version also meets demand of an international audience.

As a freely available information platform which went online in 2009, GeotIS provides access to comprehensive data relevant for geothermal project planning in Germany. Many interested requests from non German-speaking regions supported the idea to provide a complete English version of GeotIS within the further development of the system. “The comprehensive information provided and the user-friendly interface make GeotIS an exemplary project for the development of similar geothermal information systems in other countries”, says project leader Dr. Rüdiger Schulz from the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG). Thus, the provision of an English version of the geothermal information system could contribute significantly to the transfer of knowledge about deep geothermal energy – even beyond German borders.

Apart from deep aquifers, geologic faults are coming to the forefront of interest for geothermal project planning. Fault structures are presumed to have a large potential for geothermal energy production in Germany. The geothermal potential of faults could thus be an essential factor for the decision about a plant’s location. Information about fault structures should thus be integrated as an essential part in the further development of the information system and thereby contribute to improving the quality of geothermal project planning.

The Geothermal Information System has been developed under the general management of LIAG in close collaboration with state geologic surveys, research institutions and companies. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

The Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics carries out future-oriented research of social importance within the field of physical earth sciences. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association and, as a research institution of nationwide meaning, is being funded by the Federal Government as well as the states.”

Source: Press Release by Leibniz Institut fuer Angewandte Geophysik via idw