AltaRock Energy reaches goal for zone 1 at Newberry
AltaRock Energy reports from the project site at Newberry, Oregon, that the project is progressing and that the company has reached its goal for the first zone, with imminent pumping of the diverter.
The AltaRock team reports from the project site at Newberry, Oregon, that things are progressing. “Cold water has been flowing out the bottom of the hole for a week now, producing 15 microseismic events. The map above shows the locations of the events (orange dots) as located by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN). The main cloud of microseismicity (the two events to the south are likely mis-located) is about 1 km long. A lot more analysis is going to be needed to make sure those locations are as precise as they can be.
For now, the flow rate into the well and an approximately 1 km long zone, indicate that we have reached our goal for the first zone. We are now preparing to inject the first round of diverter to temporarily plug this zone where it intersects the well, and force the water to find another depth to exit the well.”
Source: Blog of Newberry project