Costa Rica to investigate potential development at Rincon de la Vieja
The President of Costa Rica signs decree that will start a public interest investigation into potential geothermal power development in the National Park of Rincon de la Vieja.
The President of Costa Rica, Laura Chincilla, has signed a decree that will allow a public interest investigation into the potential development of a geothermal project at the Rincon de la Vieja National Park in the Cordilleara de Guanacaste, 140 kilometeres west of San Jose.
“Costa Rica needs to generate energy with clean renewable sources, including geothermal, and no better than the ICE to investigate the feasibility of a possible sustainable power generation from geothermal energy in the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano,” said Minister of Environment and Energy, René Castro.
Studies conducted by ICE in the area since 2005 have established the existence of a potential energy that results from any interest in developing, to meet the energy demand of Costa Rica in the future.
“The signing of this decree does not imply permission to scan far geothermal exploitation in the park, but of public interest investigations,” the minister said Castro.
The guideline recognizes the interest of Costa Rica to find new alternatives for energy generation to reduce their dependence on petroleum.”
Source: Spanish.China.Org (in Spanish)