Urge for East African countries to pay attention to geothermal development
In a recent "Decision Makers Workshop on Geothermal Energy", the president of Ethiopia urged leaders in the region to pay close attention to the potential of geothermal resources for the energy needs of their countries.
In a recent workshop organized jointly by the United Nations Industrial Organization, International Center for Science and High Technology (ICS), the African Union, German Geological Survey, International Geothermal Association, and GSE, the “president of Ethiopia urges East African countries to attach prime attention to geothermal resources development”.
“President Girma Woldegiorgis urged East African countries to attach prime attention to develop geothermal resources to meet the ever increasing energy demand.
The president made the remark here on Monday at the opening of a three day “Decision Makers Workshop on Geothermal Energy”.
Girma said Africa has not benefited from geothermal energy in meaningful manner though the energy is used worldwide for electricity generation and direct use applications.
Hence, the president said priorities should be given to develop such renewable and environmentally friendly energy resources, which are available abundantly in East Africa.
He said one of the challenges to explore and develop geothermal potential is that it needs huge investment.
The president urged development partners and international organizations to proactively engage in addressing the investment shortage.
Minister of Mines and Energy Alemayehu Tegenu on his part said “Ethiopia’s potential from renewable resources is about 60,000 MW. Of this about 5000 MW electricity is from geothermal source. Of all these, what have been developed is indeed very insignificant.”
The government has designed a 15 year geothermal resource exploration and development strategy, Alemayehu said.
The minister said geothermal power provides the second indigenous alternative energy resource in the country after hydropower. However, so far only little has been done with regards to development of the resource.
It is indicated at the workshop that the east Africa region has the capacity of producing 15,000 MW geothermal energy.
Ministers and experts drawn from 10 East African countries as well as representatives of international organization and partners are in attendance at the workshop.”
Source: ISRIA, original relase by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethopia