Kenya to see price drop for electricity thanks to geothermal
Adding Geothermal energy is not only beneficial for the consumers by reducing the cost of electricity in the country but also for the environment.
In a recent news piece from the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, the price of electricity is expected to drop starting this September as soon as soon as new geothermal energy is added to the grid. According to energy cabinet secretary Davis Chirchir, the country relies on diesel generators to produce its electricity which can be terribly expensive. By adding new geothermal energy into the mix, the secretary expressed that a drop of 50% in the price can be expected.
Companies such as KenGen and Kenya power and Ketraco through geothermal resources will be able to reduce costs to the final consumer. The price is expected to fall to USD 7 cents per kilowatt hour.
The same source details that an energy matrix had been developed by the ministry to ensure that the two upcoming coal plants which will produce 960 MW each in Lamu and Kitui would not be a threat to the environment.
Source: Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Website