
Several lease sales for Utah, Nevada and California via GEA

Ormat's Desert Peak 2 geothermal power plant, Nevada (source: Ormat Technologies)
Alexander Richter 3 Tem 2014

GEA has posted today a series of Geothermal Lease Sales for California, Utah and Nevada. For more details, please follow the links provided.

As released in the GEA website:

Nominations Open, Geothermal Lease Sale, Utah BLM (due July 7)
The BLM, Utah State Office is now accepting nominations for a Geothermal Lease Sale tentatively scheduled for May 19, 2015. Nominations must be submitted to the Utah State Office by 4:30 pm on July 7, 2014, to be considered. Please see the Geothermal Lease Website for further details: blm.gov.

Geothermal Lease Sale, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada (Sept. 10)
A geothermal lease sale will be held at Nevada’s state office on Sept. 10. Please see http://www.blm.gov/or/energy/geothermal/. For more information regarding the location of the sale and building access, please contact Natalie Aue at 775-861-6684. For information regarding leasing these parcels, please contact Donna Kauffman, BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, at 503-808-6162. For information regarding operations and stipulations, please contact Tom Wawro, BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, at 503-808-6492.

Geothermal Lease Sale Announced, California BLM (Sept. 11)
A competitive geothermal lease sale has been proposed for September 11, 2014, to be held in the BLM California State Office in Sacramento, CA. On the day of bidding, a properly completed bid form (Form 3000-2) must be submitted with payment. This form can be found at http://www.blm.gov/noc/st/en/business/eForms.html. Contact Laurie Moore, BLM California State Office, at (916) 978-4377.

Source: GeoEnergy Wire – GEA Website