Play Fairway Analysis funding for eleven geothermal projects
The "play fairway analysis" has been used to identify potential locations of blind hydrothermal systems and describe geothermal opportunities. The U.S. Geothermal Technologies Office announced funding of up to $4 million for eleven projects.
As reported by GEA in Renewable Energy World, the U.S. Geothermal Technologies Office announced funding of up to $4 million for eleven projects, Utah State University in Logan, UT; ATLAS Geosciences Inc. in Reno, NV; Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, NM; Cornell University in Ithaca, NY; Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Olympia, WA; University of Utah/EGI in Salt Lake City, UT (Univ. Utah receives awards for two separate projects in this category); University of California, Davis in Davis, CA; Ruby Mountain Inc. in Salt Lake City, UT; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno in Reno, NV; and University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii.
According to the DOE, the concept of “play fairway analysis” has been used to identify potential locations of blind hydrothermal systems and describe geothermal opportunities in rift-zone settings. Borrowed from the petroleum industry, this tool incorporates the regional or basin-wide distribution of known geologic factors besides heat flow that control the occurrence of a particular example of a geothermal system. Conducting play fairway analysis in unexplored or underexplored basins or regions or using new play concepts in basins with known geothermal potential is central to this effort.
On a similar line earlier this month, the DOE also announced funding up to $18 million for 32 projects that will advance geothermal energy development in the United States.
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Source: Renewable Energy World Website & DOE Website