CanGEA B2B Networking Reception, Portland, Oct. 1, 2014
CanGEA's B2B Networking Reception will address several presentations of Canada's potential and expertise in the industry.
Join the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association for a unique evening highlighting Canadian geothermal opportunities, technology, and expertise at our premier business to business networking session. All attendees of the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Geothermal Energy Expo and local CleanTech companies/investors are encouraged to attend. Tickets are $25 CAD in advance and include appetizers and an optional cash bar.
The evening will be split into three distinct segments:
- The Chair of CanGEA, Alison Thompson will deliver an overview of Canada’s diverse geothermal power and direct use opportunities
- A series of short presentations will highlight individual project opportunities, presented by their respective company representatives
- Another series of short presentations will highlight Canadian technologies and expertise presented by the industry’s leading firms
Don’t miss this opportunity to network:
For more details, please follow the link below:
Source: CanGEA Website