
GeoDH fact sheet on financing geothermal district heating

Southampton District Energy Scheme geothermal heating plant, UK (source: commons wikimedia, suitcivil)
Alexander Richter 15 Eyl 2014

The GeoDH platform publishes an excellent quick-read fact sheet on financing geothermal district heating - very relevant for the EU.

With the increasing discussion about energy security and energy costs, one source of energy is often completely neglected. Geothermal not only can provide power, but more importantly – in the European context – provide a welcome source of heat. District heating systems fuelled by geothermal are already in place in various countries of this world and could provide a real alternative to other imported sources of energy.

The GeoDH platform published a while ago a great fact sheet on financing geothermal district heating systems. It not only talks about the context in general, but also technologies and how these systems can be financed.

• Doublet concept of heat extraction
• Modern doublet designs include two wells drilled in deviation from a single drilling pad.
• Current development are based on the utilisation of shallow geothermal resources, assisted by large heat pumps.
• Two scenarios are possible with DH to be adapted or to be created:

  1. Cogeneration of electricity and heat with minimum geothermal temperature of 80°C
  2. Heat production is possible with resources from ca. 150°C to 45°C. Very low temperature geothermal district heating systems can be used only for underfloor heating.

To read the full fact sheet, please follow the link below:

Source: GeoDH Website