
Successful Geothermal Symposium held in the UK

Portocullis House, House of Commons, London/ UK (source: flickr/ UK Parliament, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 14 Eki 2014

The conference took place in London and saw the launch of the BritGeothermal Research Partnership and was organized by EGS Energy Ltd and Durham University

Local news report that the symposium that took place in last monday in London, organized by EGS Energy Ltd and a partnership managed at Durham University.

According to the same news source, “The event was set against a backdrop of concerns over climate change emissions from fossil fuel burning, rising energy bills and fears over security of supplies, and controversy surrounding alternative power generation such as onshore wind farms. The conference saw the launch of the BritGeothermal Research Partnership, which consists of Durham, Newcastle and Glasgow universities and the British Geological Survey.”

“Geothermal is a carbon neutral, home-sourced, sustainable and reliable source of heat and power which can help the UK become more self-sufficient with respect to energy,” said Dr Charlotte Adams, who is the Durham-based research manager for the BritGeothermal Partnership.

To read the full news piece, please follow the link below:

Source: The Journal