
New Geyser appears on geothermal project site in the North of Iceland

Strokkur/ Geysir, Iceland (source: flickr/ Pétur Gauti, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 5 Oca 2015

The new geyser appeared in a drainage hole done by Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company in Iceland the geothermal area Þeistareykir.

During Christmas last year, a new geyser appeared in the northern part of Iceland according to local news Iceland Review Online quoting from MBL.is

The geothermal phenomenon is “A 50-100 meter (164-328 feet) high steam geyser has appeared in a 400-meter deep drainage hole drilled some days before Christmas by Landsvirkjun National Power Company in the geothermal area Þeistareykir in Northeast Iceland.” This was an unexpected occurrence that now allows us to see a beautifuyl scene in the Icelandic countryside.

To see an actual photo of the geyser, please follow this link

Source: Mbl via Iceland Review Online