GEA State of Geothermal Energy Industry Briefing, Feb. 24, 2015
The Geothermal Energy Association will be holding a “State of the Geothermal Energy Industry Briefing” on Tuesday, February 24th at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, DC
The Geothermal Energy Association will be holding a “State of the Geothermal Energy Industry Briefing” on Tuesday, February 24th at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. This program will provide an update on the US and international geothermal industry featuring release of the 2015 Annual Geothermal Industry Update and presentations and panel discussions by key leaders in US and international development, finance, technology, policy and regulatory issues. This event will be widely attended by GEA members, congressional staffers, government agencies and the DC community.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Full agenda:
9:00am: Welcome
Karl Gawell, Executive Director, Geothermal Energy Association, confirmed
9:15am: Keynote Remarks
9:30am: Release of 2015 GEA US and Industry Update
Ben Matek, Industry Analyst & Research Projects Manager, Geothermal Energy Association, confirmed
9:45am: Panel discussion: U.S. and International Industry Developments and Opportunities
Moderated by: Joe Greco, Senior Vice President, Terra-Gen Power, LLC, confirmed
Doug Glaspey, President, US Geothermal, Inc., confirmed
Josh Nordquist, Director of Business Development, Ormat Technologies, Inc., confirmed
Carl Stills, Energy Manager, Imperial Irrigation District, confirmed
Jack Thirolf , Head of Regulatory Affairs, Enel Green Power North America, confirmed
Hezy Ram, CEO, Ram Energy, Inc., confirmed
11:15am: Networking break
11:30am: Panel discussion: Multilaterals and Project Financers Discuss Global Market Developments
Moderated by: Magnus Gehringer, CEO, Consent Energy, LLC, confirmed
Gunnar Orn Gunnarsson, COO, Reykjavik Geothermal, confirmed
Pierre Audinet, Clean Energy Program Team Leader, ESMAP Program, The World Bank, confirmed
Andrew Palmateer, Program Director, U.S.- East Africa Geothermal Partnership (EAGP) , confirmed
Mafalda Duarte, Program Manager, Climate Investment Funds, confirmed
1:30pm: Lunch and networking
2:30pm: Panel discussion: Geothermal Technology Updates
Moderated by: U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office, confirmed
Kevin Wallace, Senior Project Manager, POWER Engineers, confirmed
John Macpherson, Senior Technical Advisor, Baker Hughes, confirmed
Tracy Sizemore, Vice President of Business Development, Simbol Minerals, confirmed
Dennis Kaspereit, Vice President-Resource Management, Geothermal Resource Group, Inc., confirmed
3:30pm: Panel discussion: Policy and Regulatory Issues
Moderated by: Karl Gawell, Executive Director, Geothermal Energy Association, confirmed
Kate Young, Senior Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, confirmed
Kathy Benedetto, Legislative Staff, U.S. House of Representatives, confirmed
Chuck Kleeshulte, Office of Senator Lisa Murkowski, confirmed
Jeremy Harrell, Office of Senator Dean Heller, confirmed
Ryan Mulvenon, Policy Advisor, Office of Senator Harry Reid, confirmed
4:45pm: Wrap Up and Adjourn
Source: GEA