
Geothermal revenues in U.S. $1bn in 2012

McGuinnes Hills geothermal plant, Nevada (source: Ormat)
Alexander Richter 22 Nis 2015

$9.8 billion in Revenues in 2012 for electric power generation industries that use renewable energy resources, such as hydro, wind, geothermal, biomass, solar and other electric power generation.

In a recent press release by the US Census Bureau highlights today April 22, 2015, the 45th anniversary of Earth Day ? a day intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. The day came from reaction to a massive oil spill in waters near Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1969. In honor of Earth Day ? and Earth Week (April 16-22)

The press release dives into “Profile America Facts for Features includes examples of Census Bureau statistics pertaining to energy and the environment.”

There is a very long list of statistic but some worth mentioning:

  • $9.8 billion in Revenues in 2012 for electric power generation industries that use renewable energy resources, such as hydro, wind, geothermal, biomass, solar and other electric power generation. This figure is up 49.0 percent from $6.6 billion in 2007.
  • Geothermal electric power generation had revenues of just under $1 billion ($995.4 million)
  • Source: 2012 Economic Census http://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2014/cb14-204.html

To read more on this recap of statistics from the US, please follow the link below:

Source: Press release by the US Census Bureau