German GFZ and Intl Geothermal Research Centre with strong representation at WGC2015
The International Geothermal Research Centre (ICGR) of GFZ presents 26 talks and posters and a booth at the World Geothermal Congress (WGC) 2015 in Melbourne, Australia, 19.-24. April 2015.
The ICGR presents results of its research work at the GFZ pilot site Groß Schönebeck and international research cooperations. Main focus is on the cooperation with Indonesia fostered by the German Ministry for Education and Research BMBF where the GFZ-ICGR served with its expertise on exploration, reservoir engineering, and process- and installation-engineering.
Indonesia keeps more than 40 percent of the global geothermial potential, but to date uses only resources of high enthalpy. A low-temperature power plant developed in the framework of the german-indonesian cooperation has the potential to open up new options of geothermal utilization for Indonesia.
Source: Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences – GFZ