
2015 London Geothermal Symposium, Oct. 15, 2015

Burlington House, Piccadilly, London (Source: Flickr, CC, By: Anders Hanson)
Alexander Richter 16 Eyl 2015

Invitation to the 5th London Geothermal Symposium "Securing our Geothermal Future" will take place October 15, 2015 in London/ UK.

The 2015 London geothermal symposium will be held on Thursday 15 October at the Geological Society, London. This event is being organised by EGS Energy (www.egs-energy.com) in association with the BritGeothermal Research Partnership (www.britgeothermal.org). The draft programme is attached.

With new projects developing single well geothermal technology, interest in exploiting ultra low grade heat from abandoned mines plus several feasibility studies for the assessment of additional geothermal resources in Scotland, this event will highlight both current opportunities and future potential. There will be 12 presentations on geothermal heat only and power generation schemes delivered by representatives from industry, government and academia. There will also be time for networking during the break and at the post conference drinks reception.

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London

Confirmed speakers include:

Cluff Geothermal, The British Geological Suryey, EGS Energy, GT Energy, Geothermal Engineering Ltd, The Coal Authority, Golder Associates, Marsh, Town Rock Energy and the Universities of Durham, Glasgow and St Andrews.

The cost for attending is £60 which includes refreshments. Please register for this event as soon as possible to determine numbers for catering purposes.