Application period opens for 2016 GRC Scholarship Awards
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) announces application period started for 2016 GRC Scholarship Awards, available to undergraduate and graduate students.
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) just announced the availability of the 2016 GRC Scholarship Awards.
To qualify for one of these awards a student must be a GRC member ($5 for students) as well as a student in an accredited academic institution. Selection of recipients will be based upon a variety of factors, including the individual’s academic record, student activities, geothermal industry experience, and career goals.
The following awards are available:
- Two (2) GRC Undergraduate Scholarship Awards of $1,500 – to be eligible for one of these awards, the candidate must be a third or fourth year undergraduate majoring in engineering or geosciences at the time of the award (Fall 2016).
- Three (3) GRC Graduate Scholarship Awards of $2,500 – to be eligible for one of these awards, the candidate must be enrolled in a graduate-level program in engineering or geosciences at the time of the award (Fall 2016).
- One (1) Student Geothermal Project Award of $4,500 – selection of recipient will be based primarily upon the creation and description of a geothermal-focused project, though other factors such as the individual’s academic record, student activities, geothermal industry experience, and career goals will factor into the determination as well. The project can represent a variety of academic subjects, including, but not limited to, geosciences, engineering, and economics. The primary requirement is that the project be focused on some aspect of geothermal power production, geothermal direct use applications or geothermal heat pumps.
Applications must be received by April 8, 2016 to be considered. Successful recipients will be notified by May 6, 2016.
Applications must include:
- Copies of all relevant college transcripts.
- List of student activities, including offices held, as well as a list and brief description of all extracurricular and/or community activities.
- List of geothermal-related classes and any relevant field or operational experience.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from academic and/or professional references.
- A letter of application discussing the applicant’s background, career goals and objectives, with particular reference to applicant’s relationship to geothermal energy and the geo-sciences. The letter should also state how the applicant intends to use the scholarship money and what results (publications, thesis etc.) will be produced.
- (Student Geothermal Project Award only): A short project description (5 or fewer pages) describing the purpose and methodology, as well as any anticipated results. A budget should be included with the project description and effort should be made to describe the benefits that the project offers to the geothermal community. The award recipients will be invited to present the results of their projects at the 2016 GRC Annual Meeting held in Reno, Nevada.
Please state clearly in your application letter the award for which you are applying.
Applications should be addressed to:
Geothermal Resources Council
GRC Scholarship Award Committee
P.O. Box 1350
Davis, CA 95617
Please direct questions regarding the scholarship awards to:
Brian Schmidt
[email protected]
(530) 758-2360, ext. 107
Source: GRC