
Environmental & Social Appraisal of St. Vincent geothermal project

Petit St. Vincent (PSV), Winward Island, The Grenadines, Caribbean (source: flickr/ lyng883, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 5 May 2016

The appraisal report on environmental and social impact of the St. Vincent geothermal project in the Caribbean has been released.

The Caribbean Development Bank has published details on the Geothermal Energy Development Project on St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean. The document appraises a proposal for exploratory drilling by the St. Vincent Geothermal Company Limited (SVGCL), a joint venture established between the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (GOSVG) and St. Vincent Geothermal Holdings Limited, to assess the geothermal resource in the La Soufrière region in northern St. Vincent; and for the services of a Community Liaison Officer (the CLO) to support and facilitate stakeholder engagement throughout the project implementation (the Project). The outcome of the Project will be the enhanced capability of SVGCL to make an evidenced based determination of the feasibility of continuing geothermal resource development for electricity production.

In compliance with Caribbean Development Bank’s Environmental and Social Review Procedures, the Project is categorised ‘B’ because of the limited number of specific adverse social and environmental impacts which may result from the proposed activities, and which can be avoided or mitigated by adhering to national regulations and generally recognised performance standards, guidelines or design criteria. An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and associated Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), was prepared by independent consultants for the Project. An Environment and Social Action Plan (ESAP) has been developed, to ensure that any outstanding issues at the time of project approval, are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner. The ESIA was disclosed in country on April 12, 2016 and was also presented at public meetings.

For more details see link below.

Source: Caribbean Development Bank