
Join the key event for the growth market of Bavaria

View over Munich, Bavaria, Germany (source: flickr/ Achim Lammerts, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 28 Tem 2016

For now the fourth time, the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern will feature companies, projects and discussions about the future of the most growing geothermal market in Central Europe.

Central Europe’s most active geothermal market today is the state of Bavaria in Germany and the key event for the region is the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern, which will take place this fall in Munich.

Today, the organisers published the Programme for the event.

With more than 20 geothermal power plants in operation, six of these are combined heat and power plants, Bavaria is the most active geothermal region in Central Europe. And development is still in progress. Further plants are under construction and being planned. Among them is the power plant Weilheim by ENEL, in the southwest of Munich.

The conference Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern with field trip, held 5 to 6 October 2016, highlights the current market development. The conference centre at the Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft in Munich presents the right and attractive networking environment. This year, the conference offers simultaneous translation into English for the first time.

  • Date: October 5-6, 2016
  • Venue: Conference center Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, Max-Joseph-Straße 5, 80333 München, Germany
  • Early Bird discount until July 29: 10 % off on the regular price

The programme is also available on the event website (www.praxisforum-geothermie.bayern) and updated regularly. Registration via event website by Eventbrite.

The investment climate in Germany is still attractive since the government amended the Renewable Sources Act (EEG) lately on July 8, 2016. Unlike energy production by wind or solar power, geothermal energy is excluded from the call for bids by now. Start of degression on the feed-in tariff for produced electricity is shifted for four more years to 2021. Additionally, the EU Commission liftet the principle of non-cumulation of the feed in tariff with the KfW programmes for geothermal energy, as the patron Ilse Aigner, Minister for Economic Affairs, declared in her personal greeting to the event. All these regulatory measures improve the conditions of investment protection for future projects under stable political conditions.

This is the framework for the fourth Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern held on 5 to 6 October, 2016 at the Conference Center “Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft” in Munich. The congress day opens with three different keynotes presented by Senior Legal Secretary Rainer Zimmer, Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology, Benjamin Richter, Rödl & Partner, and mayor Norbert Seidl, Town of Puchheim. They will present the current political development, the legal situation, investment opportunities and project development of geothermal energy in Bavaria.

The first thematic forum gives an overview on recent electricity producing projects that are under operation, construction or just ready to drill, such as the 10 MW project Weilheim by Enel. Forum I is simultaneous translated into English. The parallel Forum II (only in German language) takes care on geothermal heat producing projects in the Bavarian Molasse Basin.

After the lunch break two keynotes focus on exploration and operational experiences: Bernd Kapp speaks about the development of high performance production casing pumps in the Bavairan Molasse Basin. Dr. Christian Hecht from the municipal energy supplier Stadtwerke München introduces first results of the research project GRAME, the largest urban 3D seismic campaign.

The afternoon sessions are split in a simultaneous translated part by Forum III „Challenges in drilling technology of the Pre-Alpine-Region“ and the non-translated session of Forum IV “Bavarian Geothermal Alliance and R & D projects in Bavaria”. The first day ends with a Bavarian finish immediate after end of presentations to continue the discussions and networking.


On the next day, October 6, 2016, the field trip offers practical experiences, visiting two geothermal power plants in the vicinity of Munich. One stop leads to the geothermal plant of IEP Innovative Energy for Pullach in the south of Munich, producing more than ten years continuously geothermal heat. The second destination will be announced soon.

For now four years the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern has featured the geothermal development in the key geothermal market of Germany. Bavaria bears the most of Germany’s geothermal power plants in operation, and there is still much potential for the further development. The Praxisforum offers a close look to the current state of technology and further geothermal projects in Bavaria. Take the chance to register now and benefit from the Early Bird discount by 10 per cent until 29 July, 2016.

Praxisforum Geothermie 2016 in brief:

Date: October 5-6, 2016

Venue: Conference center Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, Max-Joseph-Straße 5, 80333 München, Germany

Participation Fee:
Congress (October 5, 2016): Regular Price 400 Euro – plus VAT
Field Trip (October 6, 2016): Regular Price 200 Euro – plus VAT
Complete Package (October 5-6 2016): Regular Price 560 Euro – plus VAT

Early Bird discount: 10 % on the regular price until July 29, 2016

The programme is also available on the event website (www.praxisforum-geothermie.bayern) and updated regularly. Registration via event website by Eventbrite.