
Germany: Bruchsal’s Kalina plant goes online

Alexander Richter 18 Ara 2009

Germany sees the third geothermal power plant go online in the city of Bruchsal. A joint project by two utilities it uses Kalina technology.

Today, the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg saw a new geothermal power plant go online. The plant in Bruchsal is Germany’s fifth geothermal power plant. The other plants are Neustadt-Glewe (210 kW), Landau (3,8 MW), Unterhaching (3,4 MW) and Simbach Braunau (200 kW).

The Kalina plant of 0.5MW capacity was officially opened today. It is to provide electricity for 1,200 households. It utilizes water of 120 centigrades and 24l/s of water. The project was initiated as a cooperation project by the European Union, Baden-Wuerttemberg and the local utility (ewb) in 1983. It was now developed by the local utility and the large German utility EnBW.

The overall investment was EUR17 million and shall test the economics of geothermal power generation.

Source: various German media, including Tiefegeothermie.de