Canadian British Columbia auctions geothermal exploration license and opens tenure process
British Columbia is going to hold a geothermal permit auction on March 29, 2010 for a parcel in the Knight Inlet area. This is the first of three proposed auctions for 2010.
Reported from Canada, the province of British Columbia is going to hold a geothermal permit auction on March 29, 2010. In a first of three proposed auctions for 2010, the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA) is saying that this shows “BC’s comittment to this renewable, base-load energy source.
The parcel to be auctioned is in the Knight Inlet area of British Columbia.
Details about the auction: via BC’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.
Additionally the province reopens submissions for geothermal tenure requests. “The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (Ministry) will accept requests to obtain rights to Crown geothermal resources in the form of a Permit pursuant to Part 3, Section 5(5) of the Geothermal Resources Act.
Posting requests in British Columbia do not receive priority based on the time/date of submission. In the case of overlapping requests, the postings may be re-configured.
Posting requests will be accepted until the end of day Thursday, April 1, 2010. Posting requests submitted by the above date and time will be reviewed and, if approved, they will be intended for disposition in 2010 (proposed dispositions in June and September) or early 2011. The Ministry intends to advertise for posting requests a minimum of once per year.”
Source: Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources of British Columbia