Clean Power Asia 2011 – Roadmap for geothermal development in Indonesia
At Clean Power Asia 2011, June 28-30, 2011 - Bangkok, Thailand, join over 200 confirmed senior government officials, regulators, project developers and financiers and exchange ideas into further developing clean energy and tap onto new renewable and geothermal industry opportunities in the region!
“The government of Indonesia (GOI) has established a Road Map for geothermal plant development with its target that by 2020 the total installment of geothermal will be 6000 MW and by 2025 will be 9,500 MW, and under Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL)of PLN planning in 2009-2018 geothermal plants will be significantly increasing.
Mr Udibowo Ciptumulyono of PLN Indonesia will present an overview on PLN’s plan in securing the electricity supply in Indonesia through geothermal development. Email us to get the full paper.
The Ministry of Energy of Thailand who is officially supporting Clean Power Asia and the supporting host utilities EGAT and PEA ENCOM look forward to welcoming regional power industry professionals interested involved in new clean energy developments and initiatives in the region. A special focus session on Geothermal Developments will provide the delegates with interesting updates on the geothermal power generation potential in the region and interesting investment and partnership opportunities.
In addition, the clean power policy, strategy and finance track will provide delegates with the opportunity to get updates on lessons learned from global pricing and tariffing, investment criteria for investable power projects, identifying key risks in clean energy projects and financing experiences and opportunities.
Join over 200 confirmed senior government officials, regulators, project developers and financiers and exchange ideas into further developing clean energy and tap onto new renewable and geothermal industry opportunities in the region!
Event dates: Conference dates: 28-30 June, Site visits (optional): 30 June
Event website:
Event location: Intercontinental Hotel, 973 Ploenchit Road, Bangkok, Thailand
For more information, interviews and media accreditation:
Marketing: Priya Balraju
Email: [email protected]