
Native-to-native model for development of geothermal energy in Hawaii

Puna Geothermal Power Plant, Big Island, Hawaii (source: betterplace.com)
Alexander Richter 6 Tem 2011

The State Legislature of Hawaii will conduct a will conduct a joint informational briefing on Thursday, July 7, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. regarding a proposed Native-to-Native business model for the development of geothermal energy as a statewide resource for electrical production.

News from Honolulu report that “The Hawaii State Legislature will conduct a joint informational briefing on Thursday, July 7, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room 325 at the State Capitol regarding a proposed Native-to-Native business model for the development of geothermal energy as a statewide resource for electrical production. Members of the community are invited to attend the hearing, but no public testimony will be accepted.

Sponsoring Committees for the forum include the Senate’s Committee’s on Energy and Environment; Water, Land and Housing; and Hawaiian Affairs. House of Representative Committees participating will be Energy and Environmental Protection; Water, Land and Ocean Resources; and Hawaiian Affairs. Senator Mike Gabbard, chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Environment, and Representative Denny Coffman, chair of the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection, will lead the discussion.

Individuals and Organizations that will be making presentations at the session include the Innovations Development Group, Mililani Trask of the Indigenous Consultants and the chairs of the Hawaii Geothermal Working Group.

The purpose of this briefing is to hear about a proposed Native-to-Native business model that recognizes indigenous stewardship of sustainable projects, such as geothermal power.”

Source: Fwix.com