
GRC announces new board members Patrick Hanson and Andy Sabin

Opening Session at the GRC Annual Meeting 2011 in San Diego, California (source: flickr/ thinkgeoenergy, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 30 Oca 2012

Members vote Patrick Hanson of Scientific Drilling International and Andy Sabin of the Navy Geothermal Program Office to the Board of the Geothermal Resources Council (GRC).

The Geothermal Resources Council(GRC) is governed by a Board of Directors, elected by the general membership to 2-year terms. To provide continuity, half of the Board is elected every year. All GRC members are eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

The GRC membership took part in the ballot in the late fall, and the Inspector Committee, consisting of Board of Directors’ Marilyn Nemzer and Paul Brophy, met at the GRC headquarters in Davis, California, to count the votes in early January.

The result was that two new members of the Board were elected.

Patrick Hanson works for Scientific Drilling International in Houston, Texas, as their Global Geothermal Marketing Representative. He has been particularly visible at GRC Annual Meetings as chair of the Fund Raising committee and of the Golf Tournament committee.

Andy Sabin is Director of the Navy Geothermal Program Office, China Lake, in California. At the last GRC Annual Meeting in San Diego, Andy was Chair of the Technical Program committee.

Source: GRC release via SFGate