
A balanced article on EGS in The Economist

Installation at Soultz geothermal plant, France (source: soultz.net)
Alexander Richter 5 Eyl 2010

A rather balanced article by The Economist looks at recent developments in EGS and players working in this sector of geothermal energy development.

A recent article in The Economist, looks at geothermal power and EGS. Given the rather critical view on EGS in the press last year, it is good seeing a rather balanced article on EGS.

The article covers among others Australian Geodynamics, the Australian efforts in EGS development, the plants in Soultz/ France and Landay/ Germany, Potter Drilling, AltaRock Energy, the Department of Energy and its funds for EGS research,

It also interviews Subir Sanyal of GeothermEx, Barry Goldstein of PIRSA in Australia, Karl Gawell of GEA, Susan Petty of AltaRock, Ernie Mayer of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

Overall an interesting piece on EGS for the general public.

Link to Article: “Hot rocks and high hopes”, The Economist