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AltaRock Energy outlines 2014 plans for Newberry

East Lake on Newberry Volcano, Oregon (source: AltaRock Energy)
Alexander Richter 29 Oca 2014

With the Newberry EGS geothermal field site having been winterized, AltaRock Energy now shared some details on its plans for the future of the project. “Analysis of the 2012 stimulation results indicated that further stimulation of the reservoir would be needed to ensure the reservoir is large enough to be economically viable. Next summer, AltaRock … Okumaya devam et AltaRock Energy outlines 2014 plans for Newberry

With the Newberry EGS geothermal field site having been winterized, AltaRock Energy now shared some details on its plans for the future of the project.

“Analysis of the 2012 stimulation results indicated that further stimulation of the reservoir would be needed to ensure the reservoir is large enough to be economically viable. Next summer, AltaRock plans to rig up the injection pumps used during stimulation last year and re-stimulate to increase the size of the deep reservoir.

During re-stimulation, the company will continually monitor microseismic activity just like it did in 2012, keeping within its permitted boundaries for pressure, volume, microseismic activity and fracture propagation boundaries. Once the EGS reservoir encompasses an economically viable volume of hot rock, the company will plan for and drill a production well into the reservoir and complete for flow and circulation tests between the two wells. AltaRock wants to complete the re-stimulation and planning for the production well by the end of fall, 2014.

Over the coming months, AltaRock staff will be busy further analyzing data, presenting research results at scientific conferences, and working with the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Department of Energy on plans for next year’s field work.”

Source: Newberry Project Blog Site