Asociación Geotérmica Mexicana, 21st Annual Congress 2013, Call for Papers
The Mexican Geothermal Association is inviting to its 21st Annual Congress in Mexico to take place October 23-26, 2013 and issues a call for papers for the congress.
The Mexican Geothermal Energy Association (Asociación Geotérmica Mexicana) is inviting to its 21st Annual Congress 2013 to take place October 23-26, 2013 in MIchoacán, Mexico.
The initial program announces a pre-congress workshop on geochemical and isotopic geothermal techniques on October 23. October 24-25 the Congress will take place with oral presentation of technical papers.
October 26 will then see a post-congress field trip to the Paricutín Volcano.
For the technical papers of the conference, the Association calls its membership and the geothermal community for sending papers under the following criteria and dead-lines.
- Papers must be related to geothermal.
- Authors will send an abstract not longer than a page including title, author (and co-authors), institution or company and e-mail to: Luis C.A. Gutiérrez Negrín ([email protected], [email protected]). The abstract will be attached in a MS Word file. Please send a file for each paper. Dead-line is Friday June 28, 2013.
- Authors of the selected papers will be informed by Friday July 19, 2013. Selected papers will be orally presented during the congress, supported by PowerPoint presentations. Presentation time is 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions and answers. Some papers could be selected for poster presentation. During the congress, oral presentations can be in English or Spanish.
- Selected authors must send the complete paper to the same e-mail address. Texts must be in a MS Word file, with no special format or template, including tables. Graphs and figures must be sent separately as image files (*.jpg or *.gif). Texts written in English must include an abstract in Spanish and vice versa, with a suggested total extension of 12 pages (including tables, figures and references). Please include a short list of key-words. Dead-line is Friday August 23, 2013. Papers can be subject to peer-review by members of the AGM, who can suggest changes and modifications before publication.
- A compact disc with the proceeding of the congress will be delivered to participants containing the reviewed version of the complete papers. Most of these papers are going to be published also in further issues of the magazine Geotermia. For preparing the complete paper it is suggested consult the Author Instructions in the most recent issue of that magazine, which can be downloaded in this website.
- A written acknowledgement will be delivered to the main author of all presented papers.
The second call is programmed to be issued by middle May, containing more details about the congress including fees for it and the pre-congress workshop. Anyway, the AGM is ready to receive abstracts. Further information can be provided by
Luis C.A. Gutiérrez Negrín (AGM’s President): [email protected]
Alfredo Mañón Mercado (AGM’s Treasurer): [email protected]
José Luis Quijano León (AGM’s Pro-Treasurer): [email protected]
Source: Asociación Geotérmica Mexicana.