Australia: state of Queensland assessing potential geothermal sites
The State Government of Queensland says it has started assessing sites along the Queensland coastline that are potential sources of geothermal energy.
An article by ABC Australia from the Australian Geothermal Conference writes about that “The State Government (of Queensland) says it has started assessing sites along the Queensland coastline that are potential sources of geothermal energy.
Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Minister, Stephen Robertson, says Queensland Government scientists are collecting temperature and heat flow data at population centres on the electricity grid.
He told Parliament, the information gathered will be used to map potential geothermal sites before drill tenders are put out next year.
“This is an Australia first,” he said.
“The first State Government program designed to directly target information gaps in data for geothermal potential along the eastern coastal region of Australia.”
The Government says exploration drilling is expected to start at potential geothermal energy sites by mid next year.
“Sources of geothermal energy identified near transmission lines have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through increased use of geothermal energy for powered generators,” Mr Robertson said.
“This will also assist in the growth of a diverse economy and create new job opportunities in the state.”
Source: ABC