
Australian geothermal industry issueing 2nd edition of Reporting Code

Alexander Richter 12 Kas 2009

The Australian Geothermal Reporting Code Committee (AGRCC) of the Australian Geothermal Energy Association and the Australian Energy Group released the second edition of the Reporting Code for the industry. The code is for reporting of exploration results, geothermal resources and geothermal reserves.

In a presentation today, Malcom Ward of Geothermal Advisory, introduced the second edition of the Geothermal Reporting Code on behalf of the people who have worked on the report.

The code was prepared by the Australian Geothermal Reporting Code Committee (AGRCC) of the Australian Geothermal Energy Association and the Australian Energy Group. It is a code for reporting of exploration results, geothermal resources and geothermal reserves.

This unique effort of the Australian geothermal industry is also the model for the Canadian geothermal reporting code currently being worked on by the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association.

Unfortunately the new report is not online yet, but I received a paper copy today.

All correspondence regarding the Geothermal Reporting Code should be addressed to: Chairman, Australian Geothermal Reporting Code Committee c/o Alexandra Long, Secretariat Executive, Australian Geothermal Energy Group (AGEG), Primary Industries and Resources SA (PIRSA), GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia. e-mail: [email protected]

I assume that the new edition will be available on the website of the first edition, where also additional information in form of a presentation can be found. Website with the Reporting Code (1st edition currently only)