
BLM Nevada geothermal lease sale, January 24, 2012

High voltage transmission lines, Primm Valley, Nevada (source: flickr/ Stephen Hill, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 8 Ara 2011

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management will hold a Nevada geothermal lease auction on January 24, 2012. There are 34 parcels totaling 99,469 acres to be available for auction.

Announced already earlier this year, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management plans an auction of geothermal leases on federal lands in Nevada on January 24, 2012.

“The agency said leases on 34 parcels totaling 99,469 acres will be available during the auction Jan. 24 at the BLM office in Reno.

Two of the parcels are in the Elko area; two in the Battle Mountain area; nine in the Carson City region; and 21 in the Winnemucca area. The leases are for 10 years.”

BLM Sales Notice (pdf)

Parcels up for auction (pdf)

Complete Sales details

Source: Northern Nevada Business Weekly