BREXIT could mean an end to geothermal ambitions in Cornwall
The recent decision for a departure of the UK from the European Union, might essentially kill a geothermal project in Cornwall with planned EU funding now not likely to be available.
Likely more discussed in Europe then anywhere else in the world, the recent referendum results on an exit of the UK from the European Union might also affect the geothermal sector, at least in Cornwall in England.
Considered a structural and economically weak area, the region was set to receive up to GBP 2.5 billion in cash funding by 2020 under a scheme that would have machted public and private investment.
Beside funding for broadband connections, infrastructure investments etc., it would have also supported a geothermal project in Cornwall we reported on before.
Without that funding, it is quite unlikely that this project will continue. If it has an effect to the overall ambitions is unsure.
There are further fears in the academic community on funding for research projects with geothermal energy topics at universities in Great Britain.
Source: The Guardian