Call for Papers, New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 2013
The 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop releases a call for papers with a deadline of May 31, 2013 for abstracts and a final paper deadline of July 31, 2013.
The 35th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop to take place November 18-21, 2013 will take place this year in conjunction with the 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium.
As part of the conference preparation, the organizers have no released a call for paper abstracts. The deadline ins May 31, 2013.
The New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW) normally produces a proceedings volume containing full papers. This facility will also be available in 2013 for papers associated with NZGW session presentations. The collection of NZGW abstracts will be the same as for IAGS. However, the collection of NZGW papers will be separate, because a full review process is required. Details on how to submit your NZGW paper will be available later. 31 July is the deadline for receipt of full papers for NZGW.
NZGW Paper Template download (MS Word document)
Source: GNS