Call for Papers, NZ Geothermal Workshop, Nov. 18-20, 2015
Under the theme "the next 10,000 MW", the NZ Geothermal Workshop issues a Call for Abstracts with the deadline of June 30, 2015.
The 37th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop (NZGW), New Zealand’s longest running energy conference, will be held on 18 – 20 November at the Waiariki Resort, Taupo, New Zealand.
The theme for 2015 NZGW is “The next 10,00 megawatts”.
The organizers have now issued a Call for Papers.
Invited are submission of papers on what factors, influences, challenges and opportunities the journey to the next 10,000 megawatts presents.
Papers on all aspects of Geothermal Science, Engineering, Economics, Environment and Regulations are welcome.
The key dates are: 2 June Submission of abstracts opens 30 June Submission of abstracts close 1 August Submission of full papers opens 14 August Submission of full papers closes.
For more information visit the workshop website.