
CanGEA to host event and Q&A about geothermal in Canada

CanGEA Workshop (source: CanGEA)
Alexander Richter 13 Ağu 2015

On Wednesday September 16, CanGEA and Keynote Speaker Todd Hirsch will be spending the day answering all of your burning geothermal energy questions. Register now!

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Geothermal (but were too afraid to ask) – How to Enter the Industry


Calgary, AB
September 16, 2015
Keynote Speaker: Todd Hirsch
Full-day Cost: $150 (until Sept. 2 or while spots are available)
Member Price: $125
Can’t attend the whole day? See options below.
Register Here

Geothermal energy is delivering clean, base-load and low cost electricity in 24 countries as well as heating in 82 countries for fish farmsgreenhousesbreweries, and much more!

On Wednesday September 16 we will be spending the day answering all of your burning geothermal energy questions. We will begin in the morning with discussing the basic technical mechanisms of geothermal heat & power projects and Canadian opportunities, followed by a keynote address presented by Alberta’s own Todd Hirsch, and we will focus the afternoon with all things policy related. This is an event you do not want to miss!

Join us to learn how to participate in the endless opportunities presented by geothermal power & heat!

Morning: Geothermal Resource Development & Canadian Business Opportunities
9:00am-9:25am: Geothermal Resource Development
9:25am-9:45am: Canadian Business Opportunities (Alison Thompson)
9:45am-10:00am: Networking Coffee Break (with Canadian developers and service providers)
10:00am-10:40am: Canadian Geothermal Stakeholder Presentations
10:40am-11:30am: Geothermal Panel Discussion (with Stakeholder presenters)
11:30am-12:00pm: Networking Coffee Break (with Todd Hirsch and our other guest speakers)Lunch: Keynote Address 
12:00pm-1:00pm: Keynote Address “Alberta’s Competitive Advantage“, Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist, ATB Financial 

Afternoon: How Can Policy Power the Geothermal Industry?
1:00pm-1:15pm: Coffee & Networking Break
1:15pm-2:45pm: Federal & Provincial Tax Enablers in Your Economic Model (Alison Thompson) and Policy Mechanisms  to Jumpstart Your Project (Justin Crewson)
2:45pm-3:00pm: Concluding Remarks


Can’t fit the entire day into your schedule? No worries, come to the session that interests you the most.
Geothermal Resource Development & Canadian Business Opportunities
Cost: $50 (until Sept. 2)
Member price: $40
Luncheon Keynote Address: Todd Hirsch

Cost: $75 (until Sept. 2)
Member price: $60
How Can Policy Power the Geothermal Industry?
Cost: $50 (until Sept. 2)
Member price: $40
Click here to register.
Source: CanGEA