CFE plans partnerships with foreign firms for geothermal development in Mexico
The Federal Electricity Commission plans to make alliances with foreign firms to boost the four fields of exploration for geothermal energy in Mexico, representing an investment of more than $ 10 million.
Local news from Mexico state that The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) plans to make alliances with foreign firms to boost the four fields of exploration for geothermal energy in Mexico, representing an investment of more than $ 10 million in order to boost the use of energy alternatives that minimize the impact on the environment, said Magaly Flores, head of the Project Management Geotermoeléctricos CFE.
During the Geothermal Energy and Energy Forum, the official explained that the committee is interested in maintaining the Cerro Prieto field, in Mexicali, Los Azufres in Michoacan, Los Humeros, in Puebla and Tres Virgenes, Baja California Sur, in order to realize alliances with both domestic and foreign companies to expand the productive capacity of these areas and further explore business for alternative energies.
“We want to participate in these new business schemes. How do we move forward? First we continue operating the four geothermal fields that already are in commercial operation. Second we establish a partnering momentum; we are open to alliances and partnerships for the development of new projects” the official said. She noted that the plans of the CFE contemplated expand the installed capacity of these fields above its current thousand megawatts. After Round Zero expires, the Energy Secretariat (Sener) should analyze the proposal from CFE regarding their plans for these areas and if is a positive opinion should arise, the committee is able to make alliances with private companies. These actions are in line with the energy strategy of the federal government, since by 2025 at least 30 percent of the energy consumed and produced in the country should come from renewable sources.
Source: Cronica