
Collaboration of Japan and Iceland in global geothermal development

Japan Iceland Geothermal Energy Forum 2010, Tokyo/ Japan (source: Kristjan B. Olafsson)
Alexander Richter 21 Şub 2014

Japan and Iceland are in a unique position to collaborate on geothermal development, so Iceland's Minister for the Environment at the recent Japan Iceland Geothermal Energy Forum held in Tokyo, Japan at Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Earlier this week, Bloomberg New Energy Finance hosted the 2nd Japan Iceland Geothermal Forum that was covering geothermal development and challenges in Japan, Iceland and around the world.

Co-organized by the Iceland Japan Chamber of Commerce, the Icelandic Embassy in Japan and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the event brought together more than 70 people.

In his speech at the event, Iceland’s Minister for the Environment, Sigurdur Ingi Johannsson talked about that “Japan and Iceland can cooperate and that it is the know-how we have for how to utilize geothermal in many ways” such as power generation, heating, and fish farming.”

Combining the expertise of both Japan and Iceland in geothermal, a cooperation between both countries could help other countries such as Djibouti and Kenya, but also other developing countries, so the minister.

Japan through its technological know-how and equipment can contribute largely to global geothermal development. More than 90% of geothermal power generation capacity has been provided by Japanese turbine suppliers Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Toshiba and Fuji Electric. Co.

Source: Bloomberg