
Company formed around U.S. National Geothermal Data System

Screenshot from USGIN Website
Alexander Richter 5 Oca 2015

USGIN is a federated information-sharing framework that uses free and open-source technology, capable of interacting with similarly configured data-sharing networks.

As we reported earlier last year, the National Geothermal Data System provides free and open information for the US’s geothermal resources. This is indeed and invaluable tool for the evaluation and measurement of geothermal resources for all industry professionals.

The data system has now spun a new non profit company named “USGIN Foundation, Inc” aiming to provide “training, software extensions and customization, node set-up, and development of data content models or interchange formats to add new data categories.” based on the free data from the NGDS.

According to the company’s website, “USGIN is a federated information-sharing framework that uses free and open-source technology, capable of interacting with similarly configured data-sharing networks.”

To read more, please follow the link below:

Link to USGIN Foundation, Inc

Source: Arizona Geology Blog