
Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling, Copenhagen, April 26-17, 2012

The Colours of Nyhavn, Copenhagen (source: flickr/ Mathias, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 10 Nis 2012

The European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-Platform) and Euroheat & Power, the international association representing the District Heating and Cooling sector in Europe are joining forces to bring together the 2012 Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling.

In the energy debate, heating and cooling is often neglected as an important topic for the ongoing drive to decrease carbon emissions.

Therefore the annual Conference on Renewable Heating and Cooling to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark April 26-27, 2012 is an important event and has been reported on by ThinkGeoEnergy before. Denmark represents a perfect place to show the experience in the District Heating and Cooling sector. Almost 50% of the total energy consumption in the European Union is related to the generation and distribution of heat so, that’s the reason why these two platforms have decided to develop this conference.

The RHC-Platform involving stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal and solar thermal sector “aims at playing a decisive role in maximizing synergies and strengthening efforts towards research, development and technological innovation which will consolidate Europe’s leading position in the sector”. The Geothermal technology panel is managed by EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council.

Euroheat & Power covers “all aspects related to District Heating and District Cooling (DHC) and related energy sources and technologies including combined heat and power (CHP)”

During these two days the attendees will enjoy different sessions, speeches and discussions. A geothermal technology session will be held under the moderation of Pierre Ungemach (GPC IP) with issues such as;

  • Recent market developments in geothermal heating & cooling (Burkhard Sanner, EGEC )
  • Geothermal Strategic Research Agenda (Javier Urchueguia, GEOPLAT )
  • Latest and future developments in geothermal District Heating (Christian Boissavy, AFPG )
  • Geothermal District Heating and Cooling in Vienna (Christian Boissavy, AFPG )

The conference program and the online event registration are available on the website.

We would like to highlight the visit to the Amager Geothermal Plant organized by EGEC in Copenhagen on April 25th. This visit will take place a day before, so if you are interested in attending you must be registered to the conference.

Written by A.Ormad