Correction: on Dominica and geothermal contract with Westernfield Holdings
Carribbean state Dominica awards a contract totaling $152 million to Westernfield Holdings Inc. in relations to a geothermal power plant in the country.
As a reply by some sources in Dominica made me aware that this news piece might not reflect the actual situation, I thought I would need to post a correction. Thank you for your comments.
According to local sources no contract was awarded and particularly not in the amount claimed in the statement (see news piece copied below). There are also voices on various forums referring to rather strange business practices (e.g. cold calling on carbon credit investments) by Westernfield Holdings).
So in short, there seems to be no contract with the Dominican government on geothermal development and the company hasn´t been very transparent in its business practices. (the previous article posted below therefore is only kept for reference purposes)
Reported from the Carribbeans the following is an update to previously posted news on geothermal plans for the Carribbean state of Dominica.
According to this article, “Westernfield Holdings Inc. has been awarded a contract totaling $152 million in relations to a geothermal power plant in Dominica.
The island of Dominica plans to construct up to four geothermal power plants that can produce 30 megawatts of energy each. Dominica would then sell power to the nearby French Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique via submarine cables. The government will provide land and tax breaks to the investors of the first plant, which is planned to become operational by 2013.
Westernfield Holdings Inc. has vested interest in clean energy projects around the world with hopes of helping reduce global warming and reaching the obtainable goal of reducing the global temperature.
Dominica also plans to export bottled water to Asia and sell electricity to its neighbors to boost the island’s economy, by investing in its natural resources, according to its prime minister. A group of private businessmen from Hong Kong has decided to pursue a water-bottling project after a two-year study, which found that Dominica has underground sources that produce more than 20 million gallons (76 million liters) of water a day. Westernfield Holdings is also a minor stakeholder in the water-bottling project as a result of its previous engagement in other geothermal projects in Dominica.”
Source: Frontier India, official Press Release