Dominica Energy Minister to visit geothermal plant in Guadeloupe
A group from Dominica going to visit the Bouillant geothermal power plant in Guadeloupe, will include the country's Minister of Energy and local residents from the site of Dominica's geothermal project.
Local news from Dominca report that the Energy Minister of the country will be visting the Bouillant Geothermal Power Plant in Guadelopupe later this week.
The group on the trip will include residents of the Roseau valley in Dominica, where Dominica is planning its first geothermal power plant. There have been raised concerns about health issues and expected emissions from a plant in proximity to residential areas.
The trip aims now to showcase how a plant in proximity to a residential area “can operate in an environmentally-friendly way”.
Geothermal energy could not only provide cheaper energy to the people of Dominca, but also much cleaner, so the Minister.
Source: Caribbean Journal, Jamaica Observer