EGEC releases new Geothermal Market Report for Europe
The European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) today released its annual Geothermal Market Report on Europe, reporting an installed geothermal power generation capacity of 2,285 MW and an installed capacity for district heating of 4,700 MW thermal.
In its Annual Geothermal Market Report on Europe, the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) reports on the latest status of geothermal energy utilisation in Europe.
The use of geothermal energy, particularly for heat, is slowly but steadily increasing across Europe. Analysing the development of both the electricity and the heat sectors until December 2015, the 5th edition of the EGEC market report published today shows growth in all areas, but notes that the potential is far from met.
Higher ambitions are needed if Europe is to fully benefit from this energy source.The full version of the market report is only available to EGEC members, but a preview can be found here.
Here a few key highlights on geothermal power generation:
- Total installed geothermal power generation capacity in Europe: 2,285 MW
- 88 geothermal power plants
- Total installed geothermal power generation capacity in the European Union: 991 MW.16 new plants were commissioned in 2014 and 2015 (14 in Turkey, one in Italy and one in Germany)
Key highlights on geothermal district heating:
- Total installed capacity in Europe 4,701.7 MW
- 257 geothermal district heating plants
- 23 new district heating plants commissioned in 2014 and 2015
- Installed capacity in the EU: 1,551.8 MWth
- 177 geothermal district heating plants in the EU
Source: EGEC