
EGS research by scientists of the Idaho National Lab

Bennett Mountain Road, Snake River Plains, Idaho (source: flickr/ Matt Lavin, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 26 Nis 2014

A group of scientists of the Idaho National Lab believes in sufficient EGS potential to fuel the whole state of Idaho and is now doing some research on EGS in Cassia county in the Snake River Plain in Idaho.

A local news piece from Idaho is discussing the work of a team of researchers of the Idaho National Lab on Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS).

Having researched hydraulic fracking in northern Montana, the scientists now look at applying the physics of this research to EGS.

The group believes that there is sufficient potential in EGS to fuel the whole state of Idaho, so Rob Podgorney, chief scientist in the Environmental and Natural Resource Management Division.

Located in Cassia country in the Snake River Plain, the targeted research site has a high amount of heat flow and is considered one of the hottest places at accessible depths in the country.

As common for EGS projects, it will also be looked at water, permeability and how easy fluids can move subsurface in the area of interest.

Initial hydraulic stimulation was conducted earlier this month.

Based on the research and testing done now, the group hopes to present its findings to the U.S. Department of Energy with the goal of developing Idaho as a geothermal hub.

Geothermal hydraulic stimulation is using water being pulled from underground, so there is no addition of chemicals that can cause contamination like there could be with fracking for oil or gas.

“While EGS is promising, more research is needed to advance the technology so it can be deployed commercially.”

For the full article and a video on the news piece, use link below.

Source: Local News 8