
Enel Green Power solar-geothermal hybrid plant honoured in U.S.

Stillwater hybrid solar-geothermal plant, Nevada (source: Enel)
Alexander Richter 10 Haz 2015

The first-of-its-kind hybrid solar-geothermal plant of Enel Green Power at Stillwater, Nevada has received one of the GEA Honors Awards 2015.

Enel Green Power North America announced it’s first-of-its-kind hybrid plant at Stillwater has been named a winner for the GEA Honors 2015.

Stillwater was recognized for it’s unique and innovative approach to the development of new industry technology, seen in its combination of the continuous generation capacity of binary-cycle, medium-enthalpy geothermal power with solar photovoltaic and the more recently installed solar thermodynamic unit.

The plant has a total installed capacity of 59 MW, of which solar contributes 26 MW and geothermal 33 MW.