
Enel investing $680 million for geothermal development in Tuscany

Larderello Plant in Italy
Alexander Richter 26 Kas 2013

The company has already invested €90million in the refurbishment of Piancastagnaio and plans to also spend €500 million in creating news plants and refurbishing old ones.

Taking advantage in the centennial anniversary of the use of geothermal energy and the opening of the Museum of Geothermal Energy, Enel Green Power is announcing more investments for its current and new projects in Italy.

As of tyoday, the firm has already invested €90million in 2012 putting up to date the Piancastagnaio plant, and has seen efficiency improved, and also “the installation of AMIS emissions reduction systems and the building of the new thermal duct at PC3, which will supply heat to greenhouses in Floramiata” and any other compnies that require such services.

This refurbishment is part of the investment in geothermal power that Enel is making in Tuscany. There are more invesments expected to happen shorlty in the future. The news article explains that “Over the next five years EGP will invest €500million, of which €123million will be used for the construction of the new Bagnore 4 plant and for the upgrading Tuscany’s 33 geothermal power plants in Larderello, Lago Boracifero, Radicondoli, Montieri, Monterotondo Marittimo, Monteverdi Marittimo and Amiata, as well as the areas near Siena, Pisa and Grosseto where new research is being conducted.”

Source: Enel Green Power Website