EOI: Mid-term evaluation of East Africa Geothermal Exploration Project
The Iceland International Development Agency (ICEIDA) has issued an EOI for the Mid Term Evaluation of the East Africa Geothermal Exploration Project, with a deadline of October 15, 2015.
The Iceland International Development Agency (ICEIDA) has issued an EOI for the Mid Term Evaluation of the East Africa Geothermal Exploration Project. Issued on October 1, 2015, the closing date for receiving EOIs is 15 October 2015, at 16.00 Icelandic time.
The Icelandic International Development Agency, with additional funding from the Nordic Development Fund (“NDF”), is implementing the East Africa Geothermal Exploration Project in the East Africa Rift Valley States. To date, ten countries have submitted applications for sub-projects.
The main objective of the Project is to assist the countries to conduct reconnaissance and surface exploration studies, and build capacity and expertise in the field of geothermal development and utilization. The project aims to assist countries to have: (i) a realistic assessment of potential geothermal sites; (ii) plans for further action, where applicable, with drilling targets identified; and (iii) capacity to move forward on the basis of those plans and submit exploration drilling projects into funding pipelines.
The East Africa Rift Valley has shown potential of substantial geothermal energy, and a number of stakeholders are involved in the development of production capacity in the region. ICEIDA is working closely together with the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme and others to ensure a consolidated approach in the sector.
The Project, with total funding from ICEIDA and NDF of EUR 10 million ($11.2 million), started implementation in January 2013 and is planned to run until December 2017.
Assignment description
ICEIDA requires the services of an independent consultant (the “Consultant”) to conduct a comprehensive Mid-Term Review (“MTR”) of the Project. The MTR shall review Project results to date as well as overall Project management, administration etc. and make proposals for improvements where appropriate. Specific objectives of the assignment shall include, inter alia:
- An examination of the Project’s success in producing (or progress toward) each of the expected outputs (as described in the Project’s log frame) to date, both in quantity and quality as well as usefulness, timeliness, and cost effectiveness;
- An assessment of the Project´s progress towards achieving results (reaching its specific objective) and to what extent these are likely to be achieved by the closing date.
- A review of the extent of synergies and cooperation created with the Project and its sub-projects, and potential for creating additional synergies with similar activities in the region.
- A mapping of barriers for Project success.
- Identification of ways in which successful practices in the project can further expand
benefits. An assessment of the Project’s cost efficiency taking into consideration the arrangements reviewed above as well as overall administration, technical and other solutions, procurement etc. - A review of to what extent the Project has implemented/embraced ICEIDA‘s policies regarding cross cutting issues of environment and gender.
- An assessment of the overall risks to sustainability of the Project in terms of the following: a. Financial sustainability. b. Socio-political risks and stakeholder ownership. c. National institutional framework and governance. d. Environmental risks. The Consultant shall also determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the current Project management, administration and supervision practices and make proposals for their betterment as appropriate. The assignment will include a desk study of relevant documents, studies etc., as well as field visits to three of the project countries (Rwanda, Ethiopia and Kenya). A briefing meeting will be required in Reykjavik before the start of the field visits.
Assignment Start Date and Duration: The assignment is expected to start in November 2015 and has an estimated overall duration of 12 weeks.
Cost Estimate for the Assignment: EUR 65,000 ($73,000)
Consultants who have worked on/for the Geothermal Exploration Project are not eligible.
Consultant Profile
The Consultant’s team shall consist of at least 2 key experts:
- One evaluation expert with at least seven years of relevant experience and background of evaluation of international development projects. Written and spoken fluency in English is a requirement. Experience in Eastern and/or Southern Africa will be considered an advantage.
- One geothermal energy expert with at least ten years of relevant experience from geothermal energy production and development in an international environment. Written and spoken fluency in English is a requirement. Experience in Eastern and/or Southern Africa will be considered an advantage.
The key experts should have a broad understanding of environmental, sustainability and social issues in developing countries. They should also have experience from procurement, contract and financial administration and other aspects important to overall project management, or consider an additional expert in the team for this purpose.
The team leader shall document a proven record of successful missions of similar evaluations/reviews.
Submission Requirements
Interested firms or groups of individual consultants are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest. In order to determine the capability and experience of Consultants seeking to be selected for this assignment, the information submitted should include the following:
- If the Consultant is a company/firm, provide a company profile, organization and staffing (max. 3 pages) and details of previous project experience or similar assignments undertaken in the previous five years.
- CVs of key experts who could carry out the MTR detailing qualifications, experience in similar assignments, particularly assignments undertaken in the previous five years, including information on contracting entity/client, project location/country, duration (mm/yy to mm/yy), expert months provided, assignment budget, main activities, objectives.
- Proposed overall budget for the assignment. The above information should not exceed 15 pages.
Expressions of interest and the associated documentation in English must be delivered by 16:00 hours Icelandic time on 15 October 2015, to the address below by mail, courier or email. Email delivery attachments shall be one file only (pdf). ICEIDA reserves the right to reject applications that reach ICEIDA after the submission date.
ICEIDA Rauðarárstíg 27, 105 Reykjavík Iceland Email: [email protected]
Source: ICEIDA release